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    Starting Our Journey to Carbon Neutrality


    Hall & Hart Announces Partnership with Carbonhalo

    Hall & Hart is excited to announce our partnership with Carbonhalo as we take steps towards reducing our carbon footprint. Carbonhalo is a business focused on reducing the complexity of carbon accounting and streamlining the process of becoming carbon neutral.

    At Hall & Hart, we value sustainability and environmental responsibility, we understand the urgent need to address the impact of our business on the environment. By partnering with Carbonhalo, we are taking proactive steps towards reducing our carbon emissions and minimising our impact on the planet.

    Carbonhalo's expertise and tools will enable us to accurately measure and manage our emissions, set targets for reduction, and develop an action plan to achieve our goals.

    Our Actions to Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

    We have started our sustainability journey to reduce our environmental impact by:

    • Measuring our carbon footprint

    • Understanding where our business emissions are

    • Actively looking at areas to reduce emissions

    We are committed to transparency and will keep you updated on our journey towards carbon neutrality. As we take steps to reduce our carbon footprint, we will regularly report on our progress and share the specific targets we have set for our business. Additionally, we understand that some emissions may be unavoidable, so we will also be looking to offset these emissions to achieve our goal of becoming carbon neutral. We believe that our collective efforts towards sustainability are crucial for a better future, and we are committed to doing our part.


    Joining the Fight Against Climate Change

    We are committed to being a responsible business and reducing our carbon footprint is a critical component of our sustainability strategy. We believe that this partnership will help us to not only reduce our environmental impact but also enhance our reputation as a sustainable and responsible business. We look forward to working with Carbonhalo and taking meaningful steps towards a more sustainable future for us all.

    As we continue on our decarbonisation journey we will continue to update our progress. If you would like to see how we are progressing on our journey you can read about our commitments, actions, and some climate metrics on our business impact page.

    About Carbonhalo

    Carbonhalo helps small to medium businesses become empowered with a simple way to take positive climate action. A core function of their team is to minimise the number of carbon offsets any business or individual uses: first by lowering emissions as much as possible. Visit for more information

    Hall & Hart Making a Difference to Climate Change - One Home at a Time

    As the effects of climate change become more and more apparent, it's more important than ever for the residential construction industry to play its part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the environment. At Hall & Hart, we believe that every home we build has the potential to make a positive impact on the planet.

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